The Mercer Mat
Most beekeepers insert some kind of inner cover between the top super and the hive lid. Although used overseas, inner covers or ceilings made of plywood or masonite with a rim of battens all round […]
Most beekeepers insert some kind of inner cover between the top super and the hive lid. Although used overseas, inner covers or ceilings made of plywood or masonite with a rim of battens all round […]
When it comes to rendering beeswax, nothing works as well as a solar wax melter. Solar melters are commercially available and there are numerous plans around form which you can make your own. However, there […]
The details of this Solar Wax Melter first appeared in the February 2014 Newsletter in an article by a member John Hyslop. I have been using a solar wax melter for about 30 years and apart […]