To inform committee members and members of the framework for purchasing goods and services with ACTBKA funds.
- BAACTI procurement requirements are dependent on the value of the goods and services being sought.
- The first preference for source of supply is the BAACTI Preferred Supplier Arrangements,
- The second preference is to approach the open market
- BAACTI should avoid perceived and/or real conflicts of interests in accordance with the policy on Conflict of Interest and Commitment. Particular attention should be given to this policy if BAACTI is considering purchasing goods and/or services from suppliers who:
- are current members of BAACTI
- are past members of BAACTI
- have a personal relationship with any of the BAACTI Committee involved in the procurement process.
- Procurement Threshold requirements – Preferred Suppliers
- Procurements from suppliers under mandated arrangements do not require additional quotations as the applicable goods and/or services must not be sourced from alternate suppliers.
- Purchases can also be made from suppliers that hold a State or Commonwealth contract, for the goods and/or services covered by that panel, without the need for further quotations/ tender processes.
- Procurement Threshold requirements – Minor Procurement (less than $500 in value)
- Only one oral or written quotation is required (note oral quotations may entail a higher degree of risk than written quotations, depending on the nature of the goods/services being purchased); and
- Purchasing officers are expected to use their knowledge of the available market to secure value for money.
- When proposing spending the following form should be used. https://goo.gl/forms/xQSr4agcRU5vGvLU2
- Procurement Threshold requirements – Medium scale Procurement (up to $3,000 in value)
- A minimum of two written quotations are required;
- Quotations must be attached to accounts payable documentation, and sighted by the Delegate prior to authorisation of expenditure; and
- Purchasing officers are expected to use their knowledge of the available market to secure value for money.
- When proposing spending the following form should be used. https://goo.gl/forms/xQSr4agcRU5vGvLU2
- Procurement Threshold requirements – Large scale Procurement ($3000 plus in value)
- A minimum of three written quotations are required;
- Quotations must be attached to accounts payable documentation, and sighted by the Delegate prior to authorisation of expenditure;
- Approval from the committee must be given before purchasing
- Purchasing officers are expected to use their knowledge of the available market to secure value for money.
- For Training procurement the Training Manager who is delegated to call for tenders must appoint an Evaluation Panel responsible for evaluation offers to identify the response that offers the best value for money;
- The intent to commence a training procurement exercise must be announced at a meeting.
- A Procurement Plan must be prepared (refer to Procurement Handbook for further details). The most appropriate tender option (Request for Proposal – RFP, Request for Tender – RFT, Expression of Interest – EOI) with reference to requirements, timeframes, and costs to the ANU and suppliers etc. should be selected;
- The Training Manager must prepare a brief submission to the committee seeking approval to call for offers in response to the request documentation, attaching the draft RFP/RFT/EOI using this form https://goo.gl/forms/2R0g4qY2u4BCBxtA3
- Responses to tenders should be submitted via the official form
- Offers must be evaluated by the Evaluation Panel by: applying only the evaluation criteria notified in the request documentation; assessing compliance with the Statement of Requirement (SOR) and the terms and conditions of the contract set out in the request documentation; assessing the technical viability of the proposed solution; assessing the capability of the respondent to provide the goods or services, including technical and management competence and financial resources; contacting referees; taking account of the benefits and costs involved on a whole of life basis with a focus on value for money over cheapest price; documenting any potential constraints or risks and the way risk is allocated, and assessing the cost to BAACTI of that allocation; identify the offer that represents best available value for money in line with this policy; and record its decision with appropriate justification.
- The Evaluation Panel must provide a written report to the Delegate with the approval to accept tenders that: is signed by all members of the Evaluation Panel and provides full details of the process and the offers received; provides a clear and publicly defensible appraisal against each of the evaluation criteria; refers to the Risk Register and notes any potential constraints or risks; ranks offers in an order of merit according to their evaluation scores; seeks approval for the order of merit; and recommends acceptance of the highest ranked offer subject to satisfactory negotiation of a contract.
- All documentation associated with the procurement exercise must be filed in an official BAACTI file (the title of the official file must incorporate the Procurement register number) and retained for the requisite period;
Procurement Ethics
- Committee members involved in BAACTI purchasing activities must disclose any actual or perceived conflict of interest arising from the purchasing activity in accordance with BAACTI’s Policy and Procedure on Conflicts of Interest.
- Where an actual or perceived conflict of interest has been identified, such a conflict shall be managed or involvement prohibited in accordance with BAACTI’s Policy and Procedure on Conflicts of Interest.
- BAACTI committee and its members must not seek to benefit from supplier practices that may be dishonest, unethical or unsafe.
- BAACTI Committee members must not accept any form of entertainment or gifts from respondents during a procurement process and must avoid all situations that could give rise to a conflict of interest, either real or perceived.
Management of Risk
- For all tender processes, a risk register should be undertaken at the commencement of the tender process, and continued throughout the process to manage and mitigate risk exposure to BAACTI.
Compliance with Government Legislation
- BAACTI procurement and contracting activities must comply with Commonwealth, State and Territory government legislation.
- As part of any procurement process, BAACTI must comply with the Work Health and Safety Act (Cth) 2011, and other legislation, national standards and codes of practice to ensure that the workplace is, as far as reasonably practicable, safe and healthy for members and visitors.
Environmental outcomes
- BAACTI procurement activities should encourage positive environmental outcomes through the promotion of environmental standards, energy efficiency, re-use, recycling, disposal practices and natural resource conservation.