IPM – American Foulbrood
Some advice on how to manage your colonies to reduce the risk of American Foulbrood
Some advice on how to manage your colonies to reduce the risk of American Foulbrood
Preparation for the Royal Canberra Show The next Royal Canberra Show is on annually in the will be held from the 23rd to 25th February 2018 at Exhibition Park, Canberra. The details can be found here If […]
Requeening, Disease Inspection and Overwintering Preparation Hive type Hive code Queen condition (colour marking) Queen source Intro-duction date Action/Notes Paradise nuc 2x6F N05 Eval (Y) AQBL Italian 12.10.2016 Use for observation hive/requeening 2Q 3 ½ […]
On 13th January 2018 The Association held its first ever member focused honey extraction day. With two sold out sessions we eventually opened up our waiting list and saw around 70 beekeepers from newbie to […]
Most beekeepers insert some kind of inner cover between the top super and the hive lid. Although used overseas, inner covers or ceilings made of plywood or masonite with a rim of battens all round […]
When it comes to rendering beeswax, nothing works as well as a solar wax melter. Solar melters are commercially available and there are numerous plans around form which you can make your own. However, there […]
Introduction These notes provide a basic introduction to reproductive biology of honey bees, a general review of the methods that have been used to raise queens and a few practical tips on queen raising. An […]
When grafting into queen starting cells, do you have trouble lifting the larvae out of the worker cells? Does the grafting tool tongue too often cut into the soft wax of the cell wall or […]