Heavy Lifters Winter Apiary Bash and BBQ

Jerrabomberra Wetlands Saturday 21 July -- 11 am to 3 pm

What we’ll be doing

As bees don’t sleep, I guess there is no reason to entirely forget club bees: no rest for the wicked.  Time to unpack the gear back from Steritech to check that wax moths have not tucked into our combs.  Also time to prepare boxes and frames for early spring and to throw in setting up some specialist gear, waxing up for section combs and starters for Kenyan Top Bars and Warré hives.

What to bring along

Bring some bangers to pop on a wood BBQ, your orders for queens and a heap of ideas for what to do in spring.  We’ll be setting up the flow hive, two-queeners, section combs, requeening, controlling swarms and building for the honey flow.  But all of those only after we’ve done a full apiary check for disease and colony condition in those early spring days.

As I’ll be away late winter and mid spring, we also need to sort who and what needs doing to keep the apiary ticking over and to make sure our buzzers don’t buzz off and that the bees are building well.

As much a social occasion as one of keeping our bees in order for the club.  See you there with ginger beer, cider and maybe some fresh bread and butter and honey.

Oh, if you see any of the bees pictured hanging around, let Christine Joannides know


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