
Maxi Apiary Requeening

Spring requeening October 31 @ 11:00 am – 5:00 pm Swarm cells at margin of brood nest 12 November 2016 – well time to requeen Maxi Apiary Requeening Wed 31 October 2018 Category: Heavy Lifters working party […]


Dreaming of Queening

Supersedure cells on comb face 2 November 2016 (offset – central comb area) – a good case to requeen To requeen or not In my long experience of running honey bee colonies, I’ve finally twigged […]


Mini Apiary Requeening

Mini Apiary Requeening Wed 17 October 2018 Category: Heavy Lifters working party Marked queens are easier to find and their loss is a signal that supersedure has likely taken place               […]


Bee Buzz Box May 2018 -Warming to Swarming

Should you prevent swarming? While many natural beekeepers advocate allowing bees to swarm, and there is perhaps some merit in allowing them to do so [see Tom Seeley’s Darwinian Beekeeping Seeley-2017-Darwinian-Beekeeping-An-Evolutionary-Approach-to-Apiculture], there is a very a […]


Honey Extraction Day

On 13th January 2018 The Association held its first ever member focused honey extraction day. With two sold out sessions we eventually opened up our waiting list and saw around 70 beekeepers from newbie to […]